10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Sunday 19 May Book In
Sivananda Yoga offers 12 basic asanas.
Emphasis is on these twelve basic āsanas first, from which variations are then added to deepen into the your own practice. The twelve asanas in the Sivananda Yoga system follow a precise order, allowing for a balanced engagement of every major part of the body - with the intention being to allow our energy (prana, or life force energy) to circulate more freely.
A session typically starts with yogis resting in savasana (relaxation) continuing onto prāāyāma (breathing exercises) kapalabhati (controlled forceful exhalation), and anuloma viloma (alternate nostril breathing), followed by 6-8 rounds of surya namaska (Sun Salutation).
Suitable for all levels of experience. The workshop will last 2 hours giving everybody time to find their own balance.
The booking system will ask new clients to register first. If you experience any problems registering, please contact a member of our team on 01353 610471.