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Autumn Stillness Yin Yoga Workshop

Autumn Stillness Yin Yoga

with Ling Ling Bravo-Escos

Sunday 19th November, 10:30 to 12:00

Book You Ticket Here The booking system will ask new clients to register first. If you experience any problems registering, please contact a member of our team on 01353 610471.

As summer tails into autumn we see the days becoming shorter and the weather cooler. If we live in harmony with nature, this corresponds with a gradual shift towards introspection and restfulness.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine. this time of year is associated with the element of metal – responsible for moving inwards, setting boundaries, developing structure and integrity. The metal element is associated with our lungs and large intestine meridians which are responsible for immunity (defending against pathogens) as well as taking in and conserving what we need, while letting go of anything that’s no longer serving us.

This AcuYin session, we will focus on this transition by using pressure points and postures to encourage the free-flowing and harmonious movement of qi though our lung and large intestine meridians, to shift focus from external to internal.

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