FRESH Box is perfect for blowing off steam in the best way possible… taking it out on the pads! Relieve stress, learn a kick-ass new skill (literally), improve coordination and develop a high level of fitness.

Let’s do this!

kickboxing ely

What should I expect?

Classes involve lots of movement and footwork drills as the perfect warm up before learning new techniques and putting them together to form combinations. The class will leave you feeling both exhausted and calm after taking your day out on the pad.

Who is it for?

FRESH. Box Is perfect for anyone looking for a fun, new way of developing their fitness! No matter experience level, you're in for a great workout!

What’s on the playlist?

Enjoy the sound of the focused, upbeat music to drown out the sound of the pads being smashed and keep you in the zone. Or just hum the Rocky theme tune to yourself of course…

Pilates management software

“I don't have enough time or enough words to express how wonderful FRESH. is ❤️”

- Harriet, Google, 2021

Any questions?

If you want to know more about a specific class or perhaps you’re not sure which session is right for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Additionally if you have any injuries that you are worried may prevent you from participating then give us a shout & we can advise you on the best timetable for you.

We’re here for you.