3 Alternatives To Everyday Sanitary Products That Your Body And The Environment Will Thank You For!
There is one life event all women experience and it’s something you don’t forget. The average age for a woman to get her first period is 12. Quite likely (and if you’re abit unfortunate on your timings) you’ll be at school, so the nurse gives you a sanitary pad or tampon and sends you on your way.
And that is it.
After that you start to know the drill, pick the product that suits you best or that society tells you is the best and for the next 40+ years you’re all set. So what’s the problem?
Sadly, it’s a big one.
Around 2.5 MILLION tampons, 1.4 million pads and 700,000 panty liners are flushed every SINGLE day here in the UK. That is simply not okay. If you need a visual, google ‘Fatberg’… but make sure you’re not eating at the same time.
Not only are we blocking our drains, poisoning our oceans, and filling our landfills but a single use tampon takes longer to degrade than the life span of an average woman. So... that first tampon you used all those years ago at school in the girl’s toilet is still in the ground/sea and it ain’t planning on going anywhere soon.
So, what can we do? Luckily in recent years there has been a huge surge in reusable products available and the choice is better than ever. The issue is that women don’t want to make the change and I totally get it. It’s like breaking up with a partner you know isn’t good for you. You’ve been with them a long time, it’s easy, it’s familiar, it’s a little bit toxic.. (looking at you, tampons). But the truth is they are not good for you, the planet or your wallet.
So here are just three options you can try when you ditch your destructive menstrual partner:
The Moon Cup - £15-£20
There are hundreds of different brands out there but this is the original. Made from soft, durable and hygienic medical-grade rubber and can be used on both heavy and lighter days. Choose from size A or B depending on whether you’ve given birth and are over or under 30. This one was a game changer for me and despite being a little grossed out to begin with it has NEVER failed me.
With proper care this little guy can last you up to a decade!
Modibodi Underwear - starting price £11
Voted number 1 Period Underwear & Incontinence Underwear Brand. These guys make your period pants look GOOD. From a range of non frumpy designs to sleep, sports and swim wear these guys have you covered. They fully absorb all liquid with no mess, marks or odour. Simply wash and reuse.
TOTM - For something familiar! Starting price £3
TOTM use sustainably sourced certified organic cotton in their tampons, pads and liners. To reduce plastic, they also use biodegradable cardboard applicators. Not only that but since their launch TOTM has donated money to charities like the Gynaecological Cancer Fund and Endometriosis UK, as well as donating pads to shelters and others in need. Always discard them in the bin after use - never flush!
Still need convincing? On average women spend over £5000 during their lifetime on period care so investing in a product that will last for years and not just one cycle is a no brainer. Save those pennies and use them to travel, put a deposit on a house or buy 625 drop in classes with FRESH ;)
Using this time in lockdown to trial and maybe error something new is the best time to do it. If you have a malfunction, you’re in walking distance to the bathroom and like back when you were 12 if it doesn’t work try another one - there are heaps! Like any change after a few months you won’t think twice about it. Plus you can feel super smug in the knowledge that not only are you protecting your body and pennies but our amazing planet as well.
It time to make the change. Period.
Alice x