BARRE is the class that will make you shake! Combining elements of Ballet & Pilates, this class is incredible for improving your balance & strengthening your whole body. You don’t need a barre to participate either, just a chair or table will do… Or you could be daring and give it a go without?! #HEYLOOKNOHANDS!

What should I expect?

A burn like no other… Barre will work your entire body and get into smaller muscle groups with controlled, mini pulsing movements. The class consists of ‘routines’ which focus on specific areas & techniques. If you are online you could use a chair, wall or kitchen worktop for stability. Tutus optional.

Who is it for?

This is another low impact class with great results for your body, so regardless of your fitness levels - Barre will benefit you. Classes are between 45 & 60 minutes, suitable (and recommended) for all ages & abilities. Some sessions require simple equipment but if you’re online don’t worry, we will give you household alternatives!

We are now offering a prenatal Barre class ‘Barre & Baby’ for you and your baby to enjoy!

What’s on the playlist?

Barre classes at FRESH. are famous for their tunes! Every week is different, meaning you will never get bored of the same old songs. We treat you to some cheesy pop, indie rock and of course, 80’s classics! Plus much more - tune in & turn it up!

Pilates management software
barre class ely

“The music choices are superb 👌 a mix of pop, dance and soul which is a refreshing change from the usual thumping fitness tracks.”

- Sarah Jane, 2020

Any questions?

If you want to know more about a specific class or perhaps you’re not sure which session is right for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Additionally if you have any injuries that you are worried may prevent you from participating then give us a shout & we can advise you on the best timetable for you.

We’re here for you.